Winter can feel long and sometimes dreary. Whether there are bitter cold temperatures and piles of snow, or day after day of grey fog and drizzly wetness, the winter days can stretch long before us. We often feel unmotivated and less produtive. Rather than leaning into the natural rhythm of darker, slower days we often fight it.

I usally enjoy winter and see it as an opportunity to slow down and reflect. But that has not always been the case. When we first moved intot he shadow of a mountain where the sun goes down at 2:30 in the afternoon during midwinter I hated it. But slowly my attitude has shifted to one of gratefulness
I have come to the place where I can delight in winter- at least most of the time! We shouldn’t be just surviving winter we we should be thriving! Along the way a discovered a few keys to delighting in winter- recognize, rest, reflect, and rejoice.
First of all I needed to recognize that winter is actually a gift from God. God created the earth with seasons- with natural rhythms of rest and work, of dormancy and growth, of dark and light. Once I recognized this I also realized that it would be better to aign myself with thes natural God created rhythms rather than fight them.
This led me to embrace winter as a time to rest. A seaon to slow down, pull inward a bit, and reflect. Winter is a time to clear the schedule, , stay home more, get some extra sleep, feed our bodies nourishing foods, read lots of books, and of course enjoy one more cup of hot tea.
The quieter pace of winter is a wonderful opportunity to reflect. So often in our culture we are pressured to start on ambitious goals and resolutions on January first- near the darkest, coldest and shortest day of the year. No wonder they are so likely to fizzle out! Instead of this, I like to take the whole month of January to really reflect on the routines and habits that I currently have in my life and homemaking. Then I make goals and plans for any changes I want to implement. This can be anything from organizational habits, daily routines, meal plans, spiritual disciplines, and more.
The last step to truly delighting in winter is to learn to rejoice. Rejoicing is a choice we make each day as each circumstance comes our way. Will I accept this with joy? There are actually so many little things about winter to rejoice in if I just have the eyes to notice. We can choose to make our home a cozy haven of rest and to focus on things that bring us joy in this season.
Practical Tips for Enjoying Winter
There are many practical things we can implement to make winter more enjoyable. Here are just a few of my favorites!
Use soft lighting
The quickest way to cheer up a space is to light a candle. Something about the soft flickering glow cheers the heart. My favorites are beeswax tapers. I love beeswax because they are clean and nontoxic. I also love to use the ambience of other soft lighting all winter- cozy lamps and strands of Christmas lights.
Have lots of cozy blankets
Cozy blankets are the best for almost anything on a winter’s day. Morning Bible with tea- add a blanket. Morning leassons with the children- blankets for everyone! Family movie night- best with blankets.
Keep fun indoor activities on hand
We tend to play more games, do puzzles and read more books aloud on cold winter afternoons or evenings. We also keep craft supplies handy. Often the yarn or fabric that has gone untouched all year suddenly finds a purpose in our hands this time of year!
Learn a new skill
Whether it is baking sourdough, knitting, or painting, take advantage of the slower pace of winter to study and practice something new. Last year I learned to knit using Youtube videos and it is something I am enjoying this winter as well.
Tidy and declutter
Winter can be a great time to sort through forgotton piles and clean neglected corners. Cleaning and decluttering our spaces can lift our mood and make us feel freer and lighter which is perfect on a gloomy winter day. Thsi year I am more thouroughly organizing, decluttering and even packing in preparation for our move this Spring!
Get Outdoors
Bundle up and go outside as often as possible. Even though I spend most of my time indoors I still try to get outdoors, especially on any day we get a peek of the sun. A brisk walk in the fresh air or a frolic in the snow can really lift your spirits! There is also much beauty in winter when we take the time to notice the delicate snowflakes, water droplets hanging on branches or the patterns of the frost.
Plan for Spring
While I believe that we should fully embrace the season we are in, there is also a place for planning ahead- especially if yougarden or homestead. January and February time to peruse seed catalogs, draw out garden, and even start a few seds indoors.
I hope this post has encouraged you to slow down and delight in winter! Let me know in the comments what your favorite season is!
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