Summer is a glorious time for relaxing and creating fun memories with your family! However as a homeschool mom I still need to have some kind of summer routine in order to stay sane and also get prepared for the schoolyear starting in the fall.

As I wrote in a previous post I like to keep a bit of structure to our days. I like to have a few anchors in our days for the kids like mealtimes, Singing hymns, and reading aloud.
I also allow lots of free time which allows me time to work on the various projects I need to accomplish over the summer. There are five main areas I am focusing on this summer.
- Planning the Upcoming School Year
- Keeping up with the Garden/ Preserving
- Working on my Blog
- Building a House
- As well as keeping up with meals, the house, and a few fun projects
I don’t do all of these things every day, but do get to them each at least a few times a week. Let’s take a closer look at each one.
Planning The Upcoming School Year
I love planning the schoolyear! This year we are going to be continuing to use Ambleside Online. We have been using it for 7 years now and we love it! I did briefly consider switching to the CMEC, mostly because a good friend is using it and the co-op I help run will be using parts of it. But after considering I decided that Ambleside online has been excellent for us so why change a good thing.
Planning the schoolyear for me means printing off all the schedules and booklists for the years my students will be in, ordering books, and gathering all the extras like hymns, folksongs, etc. Check out my Getting Started with Ambleside Online post for a quick overview. I also hope to write full post on how I plan my year as well as one on why I choose Ambleside Online soon!
Homeschool planning for me also includes some work on planning our local co-op. We have a group of ladies that work together on this. I am pretty involved in many aspects of planning as well as teaching art.
Keeping Up with the Garden/ Preserving
Keeping up with the garden could be a full job in itself. But I’m not really keeping up with it! Just making sure it stays alive and that we pick the produce at this point. The weeds are getting insane out there!
I try to get out in the morning before it gets to hot to do some work; weeding, watering; and picking. This week the raspberries are in full swing and need to be picked everyday.
This area also includes preserving the harvest from my garden as well as anything we forage or buy. I love to be creative with various jams and jellies. But sometimes when presses for time the easiest method to preserve something is to freeze it.
Working On My Blog
I have been blogging in an inconsistently for years now! However recently I have decided to put a bit more effort into it and make it something more worthwhile. My goal is to write two posts each week full of useful inspiration, resources, recipes, and tutorials.
I try to fit this in mostly during the margins of my day; early in the morning or during afternoon quiet time.
Building a House
We bought an old homestead this spring and are currently working on building our own house. We are doing most of the work ourselves and the whole family pitches in! So far we have poured the footings and tomorrow we pour the foundation walls. This is a big part of our lives right now. This is more my husbands department but I am very involved, too.
It started with many hours of planning and working on a design. Now we spend many evenings and most Saturdays over at the property working on the house!
Keeping up with Meals, Housework, and other Projects
On top of these big projects I am also attempting to keep up with meals and housework plus squeeze in few fun projects.
Because of the house building project we have been eating many dinners over at the new place. Which means I have to plan ahead and make easy to transport meals. We did move a BBQ over there which has been nice. We have been eating alot of grilled chicken sandwiches, hotdogs, hamburgers with sides I make earlier and bring over.
As far as housework, honestly its not looking super orderly around here. But I am mostly keeping up with the basics like washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen.
Other projects I am working on include sewing a new Linen curtain, making skirts for the girls, and making a few clothing items for myself.
How I Fit It All In
This might seem like alot to fit in! But the key is to do it little by little and don’t try to d everyhing in one day.
My Homeschool Mom Summer Routine
So what does my routine actually look like? Well like I said above each day is a bit different beacause not everything gets done each day. But my general schedule looks something like this:
5:30- 7:30 Wake up. this fluctuates depending on the evening before. Read my Bible, Prep for breakfast. If I got up early enough I work on a blog post.
7:30 Make coffee. Talk with Andrew while drinking coffee.
8:00 Make breakfast. Andrew eats and goes to work.
8:30 Kids and I eat breakfast. Morning time with children. Kitchen clean up
9:00 Time with Kids; walk, math lesson, etc.
10:00 Outdoor and Gardening
11:00 Work on a project for an hour or two. Could be sewing, making bread, canning, school planning.
12-1:00 Simple Lunch with kids, read aloud, clean up
1:30 Quiet time or outside time for kids. I work on projects. Sometimes with the kids, sometimes alone, depending on the project.
3:30 Tidy House and start working on dinner
5:30 Dinner or pack dinner and head over to the property.
7:30- 8:30 Kids bedtime, sometimes later if we work late
10:00 Bedtime, depending on how late we work this fluctuates
There is my general routine. This is only on weekdays. Weekends looka little different; on Saturdays we often spend most of the day working on the house. On Sundays we go to church and often get together with family or friends or rest.
I hope that my example homeschool mom summer routine has given you some ideas and inspiration as you creat your own routines in your home! What does your summer look like? Are you working on any projects? Let me know in the comments!
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