Do you remember long summer days as a child? The freedom to play and explore without a care in the world. This is the kind of magical summer that I want to create for my children!

For me the perfect magical summer is a balance of long, lazy, unstructured days interspersed with a few fun activities and outings.
Creating a magical summer doesn’t need to be complicated, stressful or expensive. In fact if Mom doesn’t enjoy it than it is probably a failure!
Tips For Setting the Atmosphere
Before we get to the list of fun old fashioned activities for a magical summer let’s look at some tips to make summer smoother in general.
1. Limit Screens
My kids do get some screentime. But I try to keep it limited. I also don’t let it become the default whenever my children say they are bored.
However, sometimes on a hot afternoon it can be nice to darken the house by closing all the curtains and then put on a movie.
Overall, my children are much more creative and able to enternain themselves when we do not over use the screens.
2. Have Some Structure
I love the freedom and flexibility of summer! But I have also found that having a bit of structure to our days makes everything flow more smoothly.
My favorite way to keep a little structure to our days is to keep our mealtimes fairly consistent. Then I work other things around those. For example at breakfast we read the Bible and sing a hymn, at lunch we do a fun read aloud, and dinner is when Daddy gets home from work and begins family time.
You can read my recent post about how I incorporate structure into our summer here.
3. Don’t Over Schedule
The other key to having a magical summer is to not over schedule! Running aroud frantically to many activities is not a recipe for a peaceful summer! The real magic happens in the simple moments. Splashing in a creek, laughing or crying together over a good book, staying up late to see the stars.
It is ok to let the kids be bored. Not having every moment scheduled allows the time and space for real connections to be made, sponataneous fun to be had, and memories to grow.
15 Ideas for a Magical Summer
Now for the list of fun, old fashioned ideas to make summer extra fun!
Have a Picnic
I think eating outdoors is such a classic summertime activity! It can be as simple as bringing sandwiches and lemonade into the backyard to taking a full picnic basket to the lake. A few tips for making picnics special and easy are to have a designated picnic blanket( a thrifted quilt makes a lovely picnic blanket) and a basket or box all stocked with plates and utensils.
Visit a U-Pick Fruit Farm
There are many types of U-pick farms around the country, from strawberries to tree fruit. Our favorite to visit is the cherry orchard. Each July we head out to the orchard with our boxes and sunhats and pick loads of sweet cherries. Then we come home and pit them to dry, freeze and make jam!
Go Huckleberry Picking
If you are lucky enough to live where huckelberries grow wild you are in for a treat! There is nothing like driving up into the mountains and searching for the small flavorful berries. Bring the berries home and eat some on vanilla ice cream then freeze rest.
Good picking spots are often closely gaurded secrets, so choose your friends wisely!
Make Jam or Jelly
Once you have visited a U-pick farm or headed into the mountains to gather huckleberries you can make some jam or jelly. This is a fun activity for the whole family. Even the littlest kids can help sort fruit and take off stems. You can make a simple freezer jam or go ahead and can up some jars. My favorite book to get started with is the Ball Blue Book.
Run Through the Sprinklers
Running through sprinklers is always a hit with the children on hot afternoons. It is such a simple and fun way to cool off! This is something the kids can do by themselves while I read in the shade. Win, win!
Make Homemade Ice Cream
Nothing says summer like ice cream. And homemade ice cream is even better. Ice cream recipes are simple compinations of milk, cream, and sugar with whatever flavors you want to add. There are several options when it comes to ice cream makers. From the easiest type like this Cuisinart that I have to an old fashioned hand crank machine that will keep everyone busy.
Read in the Hammock
We love books and good stories around here! So reading in the hammock is a favorite activity. We bought some cheap hammocks at Grocery Outlet a couple of years ago and tied them to some pine trees in the yard. We have enough for all the kids. I often find the children all out there reading or just having a friendly conversation. Sometimes we will all go out there and I will read aloud.
Nature Scavenger Hunt
A simple scavenger hunt for familiar nature items is fun way to be observant and learn about the world around you. There are many printable scavenger hunts like this one online. Simply print it off and hand it to the kids!
Make Lemonade
In my opinion, lemonade is the perfect summer drink! I don’t mean the powdered mix you can buy in a can. I mean real old fashioned lemonade made with fresh squeezed lemons, sugar and water. There are also so many variations like strawberry lemonade, blackberry lemonade, or basil lemonade.
Have a Campout
Camping in a tent or just under the stars can create some of the best childhood memories. I still remember setting up a tent in our backyard and sleeping in it as a child. Camping can be as simple as sleeping in your own backyard to heading to a forest campground somewhere! We are blessed to live in an area with abundant campgrounds nearby!
Stargazing goes along perfectly with camping. You are already outdoors and staying up way too late! Take some time to get familiar with the constellations and enjoy thr beauty and wonder of the stars. If you are not very familiar with constelations yourself, find a simple book to help you learn about stars together.
Go to a Lake
Relaxing at the lake is the ultimate way to spend a summer day! There is something about children and water that is simply magical. There are so many things to do at a lake. Splashing along the shore, swimming, kayaking, or fishing. If you don’t have a lake nearby a river or even small creek will do just as well! My children have spents hours splashing and building dams in a small stream.
Visit a Farmers Market
Making a habit of visiting a local Farmers Market can be a fun way to get fresh fruits and vegetables, make friends, and be a part of your community. Many Farmers markets also have programs and activities for kids. One of our local markets gives kids a coupon worth $2 to spend on fruits and vegetables if they complete a small activity. Another nearby market has several fun events each season like a zuchinni boat race in the creek, a cherry splat, and pumpkn bowling!
Go to the County Fair
Our local Fair is the last weekend in August. It is the last big event before school starts up again and vacation is over. In a small town the fair is a big deal. Kids show their animals, the art and craft barns are full. There is fun for all!
Have a BBQ
Summer wouldn’t be complete without a BBQ! Whether you just BBQ with your family, host few friends, or invite the whole neighborhood memories are sure to be made. The key is to keep it simple and low key. Have everyone pitch in by bringing their own meat and sides to share.
A Simple Summer is a Magical Summer
I hope these ideas have inspired you to slow down and enjoy your summer. Don’t look at them as a list of things you have to do but as ideas to choose from and remember the best way to enjoy summer is to keep it simple. Let me know in the comments what your favorite old fashioned summer activities are!
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