Summer has just flown by this year. We have had a fun summer full of trips to the lake, nature walks, visiting a cave, a dam, and a train museum, camping, a visit from my parents from California, and local events. More recently the skies have been clouded with smoke from all the nearby wildfires. Some days are better than others and on the worst days we stay pretty cooped up indoors to avoid breathing it in.
On these days that we are stuck indoors I have been working on plans for our upcoming homeschool year. I am so excited for all the learning that is ahead of us, honestly I learn just as much or more through homeschooling as the children do!
This is my first year with 2 students at different levels doing formal schoolwork. For the past couple of years I have been using the Charlotte Mason Curriculum from Ambleside Online with my oldest son. I love it so much. It is rich and full and the books we are reading are amazing. Also it is free, you just have to buy the actual books many of which are free or very cheap online if the budget is tight.
I was a little unsure this year having two students(plus a preschooler and a baby) how I was going to schedule and organize all of it so that I could work with each one individually in the areas they need me to. I have a yr. 1 and a yr. 3 student this year so I started by printing all the book lists and schedules for those two years. Then came the fun part! Ordering and receiving books in the mail! I bought a cute baskets for each child’s books and as the books arrived into the proper basket they went.
I filled several notebook pages with note on all the different aspects of our day. In order to help me visually lay out our daily schedule I actually wrote out each subject and the time allotted on a piece of paper then cut it up. This allowed me to arrange and rearrange them until everything fit together and I created the perfect schedule. Well probably not perfect, it is only on paper so far, it hasn’t been tested in real life yet!
Last night I stayed up way too late finalizing everything and printing out these pretty schedules. I used Microsoft Excel to create these, which I had never really used until a couple years ago when Andrew taught me how to use it. After printing them I covered them with Contact paper to make them sturdier and I can also write with a dry erase marker on them. I love the way they turned out!
I also have had fun assembling all the supplies: maps, timelines, math manipulatives, etc.
I am also excited to be setting up the den as a school room this year! It is right off the main part of the house which makes it feel not so secluded but still a little separate. We have bookshelves in there, a writing/art desk, our storage cabinet, and the computer desk. I also want to get a small loveseat for reading together on.
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