Tibicos… what a strange word, what might it be anyway? Well, it is fizzy, fermented sugar water. Sounds strange right? It is actually quite delicious as well as a healthy alternative to soda. It is also known as water kefir.
I first heard about it years ago when someone at the Farmer’s Market mentioned it, then a friend of mine started making it. It caught my interest but I didn’t start making any until my midwife offered me some grains as well as a kombucha scoby (which I also started making and will be another post.) Making water kefir is a very simple process. After doing some research I now have a basic method I use.
Health Benefits of Water Kefir
Not only is water kefir a healthier, less sugary alternative to soda. It also has benefits for gut health since it is a fermented drink it is full uf healthy probiotics!
Making Water Kefir
For 1 quart of water kefir will need:
- 3 Tablespoons of water kefir grains
- 3 Tablespoons of sugar(I use organic cane sugar)
- 1 lemon( optional)
- 1 small piece of fresh ginger
Helpful equipment to have:
- Quart glass canning jar with lid
- Funnel
- Strainer
- Bottles that seal tightly
Day 1
Start with 3TBSP. kefir grains and 3 TBSP. sugar in your quart jar. Fill with cool water and stir well.
Cover the jar loosely with a lid and let it sit on the counter at room temperature for 24 hours.
Day 2
On the next day we can add some flavoring and do a second ferment if desired. If not, skip to day 3.
First strain out the liquid from the grains by pouring through a mesh strainer into another quart jar. Place the grains in a small jar, add a tsp. of sugar, and cover with water. Store in the fridge to reserve for next time.
This lemon ginger flavor is a favorite and is very simple to add.
Wash the lemon and cut into quarters. Squeeze the juice into the jar of and add the lemon pieces. Chop the fresh ginger and add to the jar as well. Screw the lid on tightly and ferment for another 24 hours.
Day 3
Using a funnel and a mesh strainer now strain the water kefir into airtight bottles. I like to use pretty flip top bottles like these. You can purchase them online or save and reuse ones that other drinks like have come in. That is how I have aquired most of mine!
Let the it sit on the counter another 12 hours to get fizzy. Refrigerate to chill then enjoy!
Making Another Batch
I keep the extra grains in sugar water in the refrigerator, give them away, or throw them in the compost if there are too many. To make the next batch simply take them out and follow the above steps again.
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