Well, it has been a couple of weeks now that we have all been cooped up with our children because of the COVID-19 Quarantine. I am guessing that you, like us are starting to feel a little crazy! Even though we already homeschool and actually stay home most days it is still starting to feel confining. My children are starting to miss regular activities like church Awanas, and playing with friends. So I have been brainstorming activities to keep us all busy and happy. I want to help my kids remember this time with fond memories rather than a feeling of being deprived. Here is a list of a few things we have come up with:
1. Write letters and cards
Since we aren’t seeing any of our friends we are going to try to write some letters or make pictures for people we are missing.

2. Plant some seeds
If you have seeds or can order a few online, this is a very rewarding experience. Depending on the weather where you live you can either plant directly outdoors or in containers inside.
3. Listen to audiobooks
There are so many free audiobooks available right now! Here is link to a friend’s blog with a whole list!
4. Pop some popcorn
Popcorn makes everything a party! Eat the popcorn while reading aloud, doing puzzles or a movie!
5. Bake or cook together
Now would be the perfect time to try that recipe that takes all day! Pasta or bagels anyone?

6. Get outside
If you are lucky enough to have some space around you or a trail nearby, get outside for some fresh air and exercise. It is a lot of fun and great for your immune system.

7. Learn some folksongs
We learn a folksong each month as a regular part of our curriculum. But if you don’t already it can be such a fun thing to add and can connect with history. We enjoy anything by Elizabeth Mitchell as well as these that we have been learning recently.
8. Start a journal
You can do this individually or as a family. write down your thoughts and fears about what is going on. Keep a record so you can look back later.
9. Count Your Blessings
I know this time is challenging for many, and yet we probably all still have things we can be grateful for. This exercise could be as simple as going around the table and everyone saying one thing they are thankful for. If you want to take it an extra step you could get a journal and write it down.

10. Treasure Hunts
this is something I used to do pretty often a few years ago, but had kind of forgotten about recently. I think I am going to surprise my kids with some treasure hunts this week! It is fun to write and hide clues and a simple prize at the end makes the kids happy!
I hope these give you some ideas! I am also praying that this time would be used to draw families closer together; that joyful memories would be made and closer relationships developed. Let me know of any other ideas you have. We are all in this together!

This list is perfection! It really takes a homeschooling mama that’s been at this awhile to make a list of such rich ideas for kids to do! This truly is one of the best lists I’ve seen so far.
Thank you so much friend!
Popcorn is one of our favorite snacks. And audiobooks are a great, screen-free way to pass the time. We love to turn them on while doing dishes or coloring. (Or while working in the yard)